* Y&R's Sean Carrigan on becoming Genoa City's sexy ladies' man | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central

Y&R's Sean Carrigan on becoming Genoa City's sexy ladies' man

Posted Tuesday, May 12, 2015 7:29:44 AM
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Y&R's Sean Carrigan on becoming Genoa City's sexy ladies' man

It's a good thing Stitch knows how to use a stethoscope because he's got the hearts of a few Y&R beauties fluttering. How's this is all going end? soapcentral.com caught up with the former doc's portrayer to find out.

Doctors are supposed to cure heart problems, not create them. But The Young and the Restless' Ben "Stitch" Rayburn (Sean Carrigan) is a chemist these days, and he's taking the new job quite seriously. The guy is creating chemistry everywhere he goes, flinging from Victoria (Amelia Heinle) to Ashley (Eileen Davidson) to Abby (Melissa Ordway) faster than a typical cardiac rhythm. But what does it mean for the former doc's future love life? Will his philandering ways eventually lead him to happiness? Or will his luck with the ladies soon peter out to flatline status? Soap Central went straight to Carrigan to find out.

soapcentral.com: Hello, Mr. Ladies Man. You must be having so much fun with this character twist that has Stitch playing the field.

Sean Carrigan: Look, you're talking to a guy who gets to sleep with three different women who are all related, so I'm not really all that opposed! My only worry is that the fans are going to [think it's out of character]. I'm not the knight in shining armor that I first appeared to be, and so now, it's like, you're seeing a different side of Stitch, where he's sleeping with three different women.

soapcentral.com: What do you think of that? Were you surprised yourself to see such a change in him?

Carrigan: I mean, look, I think Stitch is definitely turning out to be a ladies' man. We're figuring out that Stitch likes ladies more than we originally realized. At first, it was a little off-putting, because I'm thinking to myself, "Why am I so great, that I get to hook up with these three awesome actresses?" And so it was a little like, "Oh, man." It was a little overwhelming. But now I'm starting to get into it.

soapcentral.com: Do you think he'll kind of play the field -- and his luck -- for a long time, or is one of those woman suddenly going to snag his heart and change him back to the "old" Stitch?

Carrigan: I think it's interesting what's going to happen between Abby and Ashley. That's just a little teaser! They're two very different characters. He sees the vulnerability in Abby. She puts up a big front, but inside, she's really vulnerable and sensitive, and I think he likes that. And I think there's something about Ashley, as well. She's mature, she's a dynamic woman. They're both gorgeous. So we'll see.

soapcentral.com: How about you in real life? Are you charming and able to woo the ladies like Stitch has been able to do?

Carrigan: What? [laughs] Look, one thing I can say, I can try to be charming, but when it comes down to it, I'm kind of a klutz.

soapcentral.com: That's kind of endearing, really.

Carrigan: Yeah, I've got that going for me. And I'm good with comedy, so that makes up for my klutziness -- I think!

What do you think of this "new" Stitch? Which woman would you prefer to see the former doctor with: Victoria, Ashley, or Abby? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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